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    [Tree] Tree Includes

    Published Nov 24, 2021 [  Tree  ]


    Write a function, treeIncludes, that takes in the root of a binary tree and a target value. The function should return a boolean indicating whether or not the value is contained in the tree.

    DFS Recursion, DFS Stack, BFS Queue

    class Node {
      constructor(val) {
        this.val = val;
        this.left = null;
        this.right = null;
    const treeIncludes = (root, target) => {
    	// base case
    	if(root === null) return false;
    	if(root.val === target) return true
    	return treeIncludes(root.left, target) || treeIncludes(root.right, target)
    const treeIncludesStack = (root, target) => {
    	if(root === null) return false;
    	const stack = [root]
    	while(stack.length > 0) {
    		const current = stack.pop()
    		if(current.val === target) return true;
    		if(current.left) stack.push(current.left)
    		if(current.right) stack.push(current.right)
    	return false;
    const treeIncludesQueue = (root, target) => {
    	if(root === null) return false;
    	const queue = [root]
    	while(queue.length > 0) {
    		const current = queue.shift()
    		if(current.val === target) return true;
    		if(current.left) queue.push(current.left)
    		if(current.right) queue.push(current.right)
    	return false;
    	const a = new Node("a");
    	const b = new Node("b");
    	const c = new Node("c");
    	const d = new Node("d");
    	const e = new Node("e");
    	const f = new Node("f");
    	a.left = b;
    	a.right = c;
    	b.left = d;
    	b.right = e;
    	c.right = f;
    //      a
    //    /   \
    //   b     c
    //  / \     \
    // d   e     f
    	treeIncludes(a, "e")); // -> true
    		treeIncludesStack(a, "e")); // -> true
    		treeIncludesQueue(a, "e")); // -> true
    	const a = new Node("a");
    	const b = new Node("b");
    	const c = new Node("c");
    	const d = new Node("d");
    	const e = new Node("e");
    	const f = new Node("f");
    	a.left = b;
    	a.right = c;
    	b.left = d;
    	b.right = e;
    	c.right = f;
    //      a
    //    /   \
    //   b     c
    //  / \     \
    // d   e     f
    	treeIncludes(a, "a")); // -> true
    		treeIncludesStack(a, "a")); // -> true
    		treeIncludesQueue(a, "a")); // -> true
    	const a = new Node("a");
    	const b = new Node("b");
    	const c = new Node("c");
    	const d = new Node("d");
    	const e = new Node("e");
    	const f = new Node("f");
    	a.left = b;
    	a.right = c;
    	b.left = d;
    	b.right = e;
    	c.right = f;
    //      a
    //    /   \
    //   b     c
    //  / \     \
    // d   e     f
    	treeIncludes(a, "n")); // -> false
    		treeIncludesStack(a, "n")); // -> false
    		treeIncludesQueue(a, "n")); // -> false
    	const a = new Node("a");
    	const b = new Node("b");
    	const c = new Node("c");
    	const d = new Node("d");
    	const e = new Node("e");
    	const f = new Node("f");
    	const g = new Node("g");
    	const h = new Node("h");
    	a.left = b;
    	a.right = c;
    	b.left = d;
    	b.right = e;
    	c.right = f;
    	e.left = g;
    	f.right = h;
    //      a
    //    /   \
    //   b     c
    //  / \     \
    // d   e     f
    //    /       \
    //   g         h
    	treeIncludes(a, "f")); // -> true
    		treeIncludesStack(a, "f")); // -> true
    		treeIncludesQueue(a, "f")); // -> true
    	const a = new Node("a");
    	const b = new Node("b");
    	const c = new Node("c");
    	const d = new Node("d");
    	const e = new Node("e");
    	const f = new Node("f");
    	const g = new Node("g");
    	const h = new Node("h");
    	a.left = b;
    	a.right = c;
    	b.left = d;
    	b.right = e;
    	c.right = f;
    	e.left = g;
    	f.right = h;
    //      a
    //    /   \
    //   b     c
    //  / \     \
    // d   e     f
    //    /       \
    //   g         h
    	treeIncludes(a, "p")); // -> false
    		treeIncludesStack(a, "p")); // -> false
    		treeIncludesQueue(a, "p")); // -> false
    	treeIncludes(null, "b")); // -> false
    		treeIncludesStack(null, "b")); // -> false
    		treeIncludesQueue(null, "b")); // -> false
