Tag: Neovim
- 2024-09-24 Neovim move to beginning and end of a line
- 2024-09-11 Neovim add a string to the end of each line
- 2024-08-30 Neovim delete last character of each line
- 2024-07-22 gw in NeoVim
- 2024-07-18 i_CTRL-R
- 2024-07-11 CTRL-O and CTRL-I in Neovim
- 2024-07-10 z
& zt in Neovim
- 2024-05-21 Split in Vim
- 2021-04-20 Vim: delete empty lines within a visual selected area
- 2020-08-04 Vim Insert at the Beginning/End of Lines