Published Nov 19, 2021
Write a function, shortestPath, that takes in an array of edges for an undirected graph and two nodes (nodeA, nodeB). The function should return the length of the shortest path between A and B. Consider the length as the number of edges in the path, not the number of nodes. If there is no path between A and B, then return -1.
We will use BFS for shortest path problem. The value in the Queue should be (node, distance).
We need visited Set for undirected graph.
We need build the graph from edges.
We need return -1 for special case.
const shortestPath = (edges, nodeA, nodeB) => {
const graph = buildGraph(edges)
// add nodeA with distance 0 to the queue
const queue = [[nodeA, 0]]
const visited = new Set([nodeA])
while(queue.length > 0) {
const [current, distance] = queue.shift();
if (current === nodeB) return distance
for(let neighbor of graph[current]) {
if(visited.has(neighbor)) continue;
queue.push([neighbor, distance + 1])
return -1
const buildGraph = (edges) => {
const graph = {};
for(let edge of edges) {
const [a, b] = edge;
if(!(a in graph)) graph[a] = []
if(!(b in graph)) graph[b] = []
return graph;
const edges0 = [
['w', 'x'],
['x', 'y'],
['z', 'y'],
['z', 'v'],
['w', 'v']
console.log(shortestPath(edges0, 'w', 'z')); // -> 2
const edges1 = [
['w', 'x'],
['x', 'y'],
['z', 'y'],
['z', 'v'],
['w', 'v']
shortestPath(edges1, 'y', 'x')); // -> 1
const edges2 = [
['a', 'c'],
['a', 'b'],
['c', 'b'],
['c', 'd'],
['b', 'd'],
['e', 'd'],
['g', 'f']
shortestPath(edges2, 'a', 'e')); // -> 3
const edges3 = [
['a', 'c'],
['a', 'b'],
['c', 'b'],
['c', 'd'],
['b', 'd'],
['e', 'd'],
['g', 'f']
shortestPath(edges3, 'e', 'c')); // -> 2
const edges4 = [
['a', 'c'],
['a', 'b'],
['c', 'b'],
['c', 'd'],
['b', 'd'],
['e', 'd'],
['g', 'f']
shortestPath(edges4, 'b', 'g')); // -> -1
const edges5 = [
['c', 'n'],
['c', 'e'],
['c', 's'],
['c', 'w'],
['w', 'e'],
shortestPath(edges5, 'w', 'e')); // -> 1
const edges6 = [
['c', 'n'],
['c', 'e'],
['c', 's'],
['c', 'w'],
['w', 'e'],
shortestPath(edges6, 'n', 'e')); // -> 2
const edges7 = [
['m', 'n'],
['n', 'o'],
['o', 'p'],
['p', 'q'],
['t', 'o'],
['r', 'q'],
['r', 's']
shortestPath(edges7, 'm', 's')); // -> 6