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    How to solve a Dynamic Programming Problem ?

    Published Oct 11, 2021 [  DynamicProgramming  ]

    Dynamic Programming (DP) is a technique that solves some particular type of problems in Polynomial Time. Dynamic Programming solutions are faster than the exponential brute method and can be easily proved for their correctness.

    Overlapping Sub-problems

    Dynamic Programming is an algorithmic paradigm that solves a given complex problem by breaking it into sub-problems and stores the results of sub-problems to avoid computing the same results again.

    Like Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming combines solutions to sub-problems. Dynamic Programming is mainly used when solutions of the same sub-problems are needed again and again. In Dynamic Programming, computed solutions to sub-problems are stored in a table so that these don’t have to be recomputed. So Dynamic Programming is not useful when there are not common (overlapping) sub-problems because there is no point storing the solutions if they are not needed again.

    # a simple recursive program for Fibonacci numbers
    def fib(n):
    	if n <= 1:
    		return n
    	return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)

    Memoization (Top Down)

    The memoized program for a problem is similar to the recursive version with a small modification that looks into a lookup table before computing solutions.

    # a program for Memoized version of nth Fibonacci number
    # function to calculate nth Fibonacci number
    def fib(n, lookup):
        # base case
        if n <= 1 :
            lookup[n] = n
        # if the value is not calculated previously then calculate it
        if lookup[n] is None:
            lookup[n] = fib(n-1 , lookup)  + fib(n-2 , lookup)
        # return the value corresponding to that value of n
        return lookup[n]
    # end of function
    # Driver program to test the above function
    def main():
        n = 34
        # Declaration of lookup table
        # Handles till n = 100
        lookup = [None] * 101
        print "Fibonacci Number is ", fib(n, lookup)
    if __name__=="__main__":

    Tabulation (Bottom Up)

    The tabulated program for a given problem builds a table in bottom-up fashion and returns the last entry from the table.

    # Python program Tabulated (bottom up) version
    def fib(n):
    	# array declaration
    	f = [0] * (n + 1)
    	# base case assignment
    	f[1] = 1
    	# calculating the fibonacci and storing the values
    	for i in xrange(2 , n + 1):
    		f[i] = f[i - 1] + f[i - 2]
    	return f[n]
    # Driver program to test the above function
    def main():
    	n = 9
    	print "Fibonacci number is " , fib(n)
    if __name__=="__main__":
    # This code is contributed by Nikhil Kumar Singh (nickzuck_007)

    Optimal Substructure Property

    A given problem has Optimal Substructure Property if optimal solution of the given problem can be obtained by using optimal solutions of its sub-problems.

    How to Solve a Dynamic Programming Problem

    ```Steps to solve a DP 1) Identify if it is a DP problem 2) Decide a state expression with least parameters 3) Formulate state relationship 4) Do tabulation (or add memoization)

    ### Step 1: How to classify a problem as a Dynamic Programming Problem?
    - Typically, all the problems that requires maximizing or minimizing certain
      quantities or counting problems that say to count the arrangements under
      certain conditions or certain probability problems can be solved by using
      Dynamic Programming.
    - All dynamic programming problems satisfy the overlapping sub-problems property
      and most of the classic dynamic problems also satisfy the optimal substructure
    ### Step 2: Deciding the state
    DP problems are all about state and their transition. This is the most basic
    step which must be done very carefully because the state transition depends on
    the choice of state definition you make.
    A state can be defined as the set of parameters that can uniquely identify a
    certain position or standing in the given problem. This set of parameters should
    be as small as possible to reduce state space.
    ### Step 3: Formulating a relation among the states
    Given 3 numbers {1, 3, 5}, we need to tell
    the total number of ways we can form a number 'N' 
    using the sum of the given three numbers.
    (allowing repetitions and different arrangements).
    Total number of ways to form 6 is: 8

    Let’s think dynamically about this problem. So, first of all, we decide a state for the given problem. We will take a parameter n to decide state as it can uniquely identify any subproblem. So, our state dp will look like state(n). Here, state(n) means the total number of arrangements to form n by using {1, 3, 5} as elements.

    1) Adding 1 to all possible combinations of state (n = 6)

    Eg : [ (1+1+1+1+1+1) + 1] 
    [ (1+1+1+3) + 1] 
    [ (1+1+3+1) + 1] 
    [ (1+3+1+1) + 1] 
    [ (3+1+1+1) + 1] 
    [ (3+3) + 1] 
    [ (1+5) + 1] 
    [ (5+1) + 1] 

    2) Adding 3 to all possible combinations of state (n = 4);

    Eg : [(1+1+1+1) + 3] 
    [(1+3) + 3] 
    [(3+1) + 3] 

    3) Adding 5 to all possible combinations of state(n = 2)

    Eg : [ (1+1) + 5]

    In general

    state(n) = state(n-1) + state(n-3) + state(n-5)
    # Returns the number of arrangements to
    # form 'n'
    def solve(n):
    # Base case
    if n < 0:
    	return 0
    if n == 0:
    	return 1
    return (solve(n - 1) +
    		solve(n - 3) +
    		solve(n - 5))

    Step 4: Adding memoization or tabulation for the state

    # This function returns the number of
    # arrangements to form 'n'
    # lookup dictionary/hashmap is initialized
    def solve(n, lookup = {}):
    	# Base cases
    	# negative number can't be
    	# produced, return 0
    	if n < 0:
    		return 0
    	# 0 can be produced by not
    	# taking any number whereas
    	# 1 can be produced by just taking 1
    	if n == 0:
    		return 1
    	# Checking if number of way for
    	# producing n is already calculated
    	# or not if calculated, return that,
    	# otherwise calulcate and then return
    	if n not in lookup:
    		lookup[n] = (solve(n - 1) +
    					solve(n - 3) +
    					solve(n - 5))
    	return lookup[n]
