Published Jul 21, 2021
The dev-python/PyQt5-5.15.4-r1
drops webkit
use flag, which is required for
Mask dev-python/PyQt5
versions larger than 5.12.2
in /etc/portage/package.mask
Update the world
sudo emerge -DuNpv world
--deep [DEPTH], -D
This flag forces emerge to consider the entire dependency tree of packages, instead of checking only the immedi‐
ate dependencies of the packages. As an example, this catches updates in libraries that are not directly listed
in the dependencies of a package. Also see --with-bdeps for behavior with respect to build time dependencies
that are not strictly required.
--update, -u
Updates packages to the best version available, which may not always be the highest version number due to mask‐
ing for testing and development. Package atoms specified on the command line are greedy, meaning that unspecific
atoms may match multiple versions of slotted packages. This option also implies the --selective option.
--newuse, -N
Tells emerge to include installed packages where USE flags have changed since compilation. This option also im‐
plies the --selective option. USE flag changes include:
A USE flag was added to a package. A USE flag was removed from a package. A USE flag was turned on for a pack‐
age. A USE flag was turned off for a package.
USE flags may be toggled by your profile as well as your USE and package.use settings. If you would like to skip
rebuilds for which disabled flags have been added to or removed from IUSE, see the related --changed-use option.
If you would like to skip rebuilds for specific packages, see the --exclude option.
NOTE: This option ignores the state of the "test" USE flag, since that flag has a special binding to FEA‐
TURES="test" (see make.conf(5) for more information about FEATURES settings).
--pretend, -p
Instead of actually performing the merge, simply display what *would* have been installed if --pretend were not
used. Using --pretend is strongly recommended before installing an unfamiliar package. In the printout:
N new (not yet installed)
S new SLOT installation (side-by-side versions)
U updating (to another version)
D downgrading (best version seems lower)
r reinstall (forced for some reason, possibly due to slot or sub-slot)
R replacing (remerging same version)
F fetch restricted (must be manually downloaded)
f fetch restricted (already downloaded)
I interactive (requires user input)
B blocked by another package (unresolved conflict)
b blocked by another package (automatically resolved conflict)
--verbose [ y | n ], -v
Tell emerge to run in verbose mode. Currently this flag causes emerge to print out GNU info errors, if any, and
to show the USE flags that will be used for each package when pretending. The following symbols are affixed to
USE flags in order to indicate their status:
Symbol Location Meaning
- prefix not enabled (either disabled or removed)
* suffix transition to or from the enabled state
% suffix newly added or removed
() circumfix forced, masked, or removed
{} circumfix state is bound to FEATURES settings