Published Jul 16, 2020
void stream_copy(std::ostream & dst, std::istream & src)
dst << src.rdbuf();
How does this work? std::stream
derives from std::ios
, and ios::rdbuf()
returns a pointer to the source stream’s buffer. A suitable specialization of
reads from this buffer until the source stream empties.
Note that stream_copy
typically does no result in the entire content of either
the source or destination stream being held in memory at any one time –
everything goes through the stream buffers in the usual way. Except, of course,
if we’re using an in-memory std::stringstream
, used below to load the content
of a file into a string.
// Return a named file's contents as a string
std::string load_file(char const * filepath)
std::ifstream src(filepath);
std::ostringstream buf;
buf << src.rdbuf();
return buf.str();
I’ve used this simle recipe in test code to load binary data from a file.
To redirect the output of a program to a log file
$ echo Hello, world! > hello-world.log
$ cat hello-world.log
Hello, world!
Stream buffers allow for more flexible stream redirection from within the
program, once again using ios::rdbuf()
, this time to both get and set a
steam’s buffer.
Here’s a simple redirecter class, designed for use on the stack, allowing the constructor and destructor to execute around a block of code
#include <ostream>
// Stream redirecter.
class redirecter
// Constructing an instance of this class causes
// anything written to the source stream to be redirected
// to the destination stream.
redirecter(std::ostream & dst, std::ostream & src)
: src(src)
, srcbuf(src.rdbuf())
// The destructor restores the original source stream buffer
std::ostream & src;
std::streambuf * const srcbuf;
Incidentally, when ios.rdbuf()
is used in set mode it returns the original
value of the stream’s buffer, allowing us to write a slightly more compact
constructor as show in the complete program below.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
class redirecter
redirecter(std::ostream & dst, std::ostream & src)
: src(src), sbuf(src.rdbuf(dst.rdbuf())) {}
~redirecter() { src.rdbuf(sbuf); }
std::ostream & src;
std::streambuf * const sbuf;
void hello_world()
std::cout << "Hello, world!\n";
int main()
std::ofstream log("hello-world.log");
redirecter redirect(log, std::cout);
return 0;
Running this program prints nothing to standard output. Instead the file
contains the redirected output, Hello, world!
Note that redirect
will be destroyed before log
, thus restoring
’s original buffer. This detail is crucial, since destroying the file
closes it and destroys its stream buffer, so we must not allow std::cout
continue using this buffer.
You could argue the redirection example is somewhat contrived. if
had been properly written to accept an ostream
as a function
argument, rather than rely on the global std::count
, then we could simply pas
it the ofstream
of our choice and be done. We could equally pass it an
and check the contents of this stream to test that
does indeed print what it’s supposed to.
How about teeing streams? In a command shell the standard tee
connector allows
us to replicate a stream. The snippet blow shows the output from echo
appearing on standard output and teed to a log file.
$ echo Hello, world! | tee hello-world.log
Hello, world!
$ cat hello-world.log
Hello, world!
Within a program, a clever stream buffer customization can do the same job. Here’s the declaration of a minimal teebuf class, which specializes a standard streambuf. The idea is that we can assign such a teebuf to a stream, causing anything written to the stream to be derived through both teed output buffers.
#include <streambuf>
class teebuf: public std::streambuf
// Construct a streambuf which tees output to both input
// streambufs.
teebuf(std::streambuf * sb1, std::streambuf * sb2);
virtual int overflow(int char);
std::streambuf * sb1;
std::streambuf * sb2;
Before fleshing out the implementation, I’d like to discuss what lies beneath
the surface of this simple declaration. We’re specializing a std::streambuf
which is itself a typdef for basic_streambuf<char>
. We’ll show how to make
this code more generic later.
The base class, std::streambuf
, despite its name, has no buffer. This base
class provides two public member functions for outputting character data,
and sputn
, which ouput a single character a run of characters
respectively. If the internal buffer is full (always the case here, since there
is no buffer) then the virtual overflow
method ends up being called. Thus a
suitable override of this method will do the job.
You may wonder why overflow
deals in ints
and not chars
. That’s because,
in the case of an error, it returns a sentinel value, EOF
, which does not fit
in a char
. (More generically, it deals with traits::int_types
and returns a
to indicate an error condition).
Here’s teebuf
implementation. I have changed both overflow
to be private
which stops anyone deriving from this class. Any actual buffering will be
delegated to the teed buffers. We’ve also over-ridden the virtual sync()
method: the default implementation does nothing, but here we sync the teed
buffers. I can’t see any way the (c == EOF) test could ever return true
instances of this class but I’ve followed the advice from the footnote in the
standard anyway.
#include <streambuf>
class teebuf: public std::streambuf
// Construct a streambuf which tees output to both input
// streambufs.
teebuf(std::streambuf * sb1, std::streambuf * sb2)
: sb1(sb1)
, sb2(sb2)
// This tee buffer has no buffer. So every character "overflows"
// and can be put directly into the teed buffers.
virtual int overflow(int c)
if (c == EOF)
return !EOF;
int const r1 = sb1->sputc(c);
int const r2 = sb2->sputc(c);
return r1 == EOF || r2 == EOF ? EOF : c;
// Sync both teed buffers.
virtual int sync()
int const r1 = sb1->pubsync();
int const r2 = sb2->pubsync();
return r1 == 0 && r2 == 0 ? 0 : -1;
std::streambuf * sb1;
std::streambuf * sb2;
Here’s a simple helper class to create a tee stream from two input streams.
class teestream : public std::ostream
// Construct an ostream which tees output to the supplied
// ostreams.
teestream(std::ostream & o1, std::ostream & o2);
teebuf tbuf;
teestream::teestream(std::ostream & o1, std::ostream & o2)
: std::ostream(&tbuf)
, tbuf(o1.rdbuf(), o2.rdbuf())
Here’s a short program showing how to use these elements
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <teestream>
int main()
std::ofstream log("hello-world.log");
teestream tee(std::cout, log);
tee << "Hello, world!\n";
return 0;
Running this program prints the message Hello, world!
followed by a newline to
standard output, and the file hello-world.log
contains this same output.
template <typename char_type,
typename traits = std::char_traits<char_type> >
class basic_teebuf:
public std::basic_streambuf<char_type, traits>
typedef typename traits::int_type int_type;
basic_teebuf(std::basic_streambuf<char_type, traits> * sb1,
std::basic_streambuf<char_type, traits> * sb2)
: sb1(sb1)
, sb2(sb2)
virtual int sync()
int const r1 = sb1->pubsync();
int const r2 = sb2->pubsync();
return r1 == 0 && r2 == 0 ? 0 : -1;
virtual int_type overflow(int_type c)
int_type const eof = traits::eof();
if (traits::eq_int_type(c, eof))
return traits::not_eof(c);
char_type const ch = traits::to_char_type(c);
int_type const r1 = sb1->sputc(ch);
int_type const r2 = sb2->sputc(ch);
traits::eq_int_type(r1, eof) ||
traits::eq_int_type(r2, eof) ? eof : c;
std::basic_streambuf<char_type, traits> * sb1;
std::basic_streambuf<char_type, traits> * sb2;
typedef basic_teebuf<char> teebuf;