Published Dec 07, 2019
Decorator is a structural pattern that consists of dynamically augmenting the behavior of an existing object. It’s different from classical inheritance, because the behavior is not added to all the objects of the same class, but only to the instances that are explicitly decorated.
Implementation-wise, it is very similar to the Proxy Pattern, but instead of enhancing or modifying the behavior of the existing interface of an object, it augments it with new functionalities.
The Decorator
object is extending the Component
object by adding the
operation. The existing methods are usually delegated to the
decorated object, without further processing. Of course,if necessary we can
easily combine the Proxy pattern so that the calls to the existing methods can
be intercepted and manipulated as well.
Using composition, the decorated component is wrapped around a new object that usually inherits from it. The Decorator in this case simply needs to define the new methods, while delegating the existing ones to the original component
function decorate(component){
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(component)
function Decorator(component){
this.component = component
Decorator.prototype = Object.create(proto)
// new method
Decorator.prototype.greetings = function(){
return 'Hi!'
// delegate method
Decorator.prototype.hello = function(){
return this.component.hello.apply(this.component, arguments)
return new Decorator(component)
Object decoration can also be achieved by simply attaching new methods directly to the decorated object
function decorate(component){
// new method
component.greetings = () => {
// ...
return component
module.exports = function levelSubscribe(db){
db.subscribe = (pattern, listener) => {
db.on('put', (key, val) => {
const match = Object.keys(pattern).every(k => (pattern[k] === val[k]))
listener(key, val)
return db;
const level = require('level')
const levelSubscribe = require('./levelSubscribe')
let db = level(__dirname + '/db', {valueEncoding: 'json'})
db = levelSubscribe(db)
{doctype: 'tweet', language: 'en'},
(k, val) => console.log(val)
db.put('1', {doctype: 'tweet', text: 'Hi', language: 'en'})
db.put('2', {doctype: 'company', name: 'ACME Co.'})